5 Easy Tips anyone can do to get healthy and happy!

Hello fellow readers - today is ‘National Women’s Health and Fitness Day’. In honour of this, what follows is a little post about how you can bring a dash of health into your life today.
First things first, this post is NOT going to be preachy or filled with unattainable goals. I don’t want to hear any more about getting a ‘Summer Body’; for that all you need is… a body.
But understandably, with restrictions and lockdown becoming increasingly relaxed, comes more weddings, parties and long-awaited gatherings. And for some of us *cough* not me I swear *cough*, lockdown was not kind to me on the scales. So… for my entrance back into society, I want to be a healthy and happy GODDESS (physically and mentally).
Instead of me promising a miracle ‘2 stone weight loss in a day’ tip or something else absurd and unsustainable, I’m going to share with you some health and fitness tips for your body and mind, that you can do as much or as little of as you desire!
For me personally, that means favouriting the Bargainfox.com sports tab on my browser, so I can feel good about looking for things to benefit my health as well as benefit my bank account. I like to think I’ve done a bit of research on this, and from what I can decipher, exercise + diet + mindfulness = health. And boy, do we have some of the best bits of kit around to get exercising from the comfort of your own home. Who says you need to spend a bomb to be able to keep fit?! Not us. Weight won’t be the only thing you’ll be saving once you have a browse in our exercise collection.
Without further ado, here’s some bits and bobs that I recommend that’ll get you back in the swing of being healthy now that life is getting back to normal. Disclaimer: I’m certainly NOT a health professional, so this info should be taken with a pinch of salt (or spirulina powder if you want to be really smug).
Go for a Walk 🚶
This is arguably at the top of my list. It has been proven and published EVERYWHERE that walking is not only good for your body, but good for you soul. Getting out for even 5-10 minutes of walking when you have time can really do wonders for clearing the old noggin. Especially as the nights are drawing faster every day, it’s a way to take a step back, get your daily dose of Vitamin D and enjoy your surroundings.🌳
Now it’s all very well and good me saying this, but I know it can be hard to find the motivation to get off the couch sometimes (speaking from experience). In this instance, I suggest getting a Fitbit, or something of its equivalent. I have friends and family that SWEAR by this little piece of technology, and even go as far as having competitions with each other on how many steps they do in a day! If motivation is lacking, then a little bit of healthy competition will certainly stir you.
We have loads of great Fitbit type accessories in stock that’ll get you excited to move… perhaps even more excited than the prospect of the savings you’ll make.
Do a home workout 🏠
Now that we’re moving into Autumn, I can understand that it’s not as appealing to go for a long chilly run do an exercise set outdoors. I also know that being part of BargainFox.com means you’re part of our like-minded community that knows the value of saving money. So doing a workout at home is a great answer to keeping toasty and save money!
If it’s your first time having a go at home workouts, I recommend consulting a little unknown social platform called YouTube 😉. They have millions of home workouts suited for all abilities and homes; for example, if you’re a top floor flat and can’t do jumping (at the risk of receiving several angry calls from neighbours), then there’s a workout for that!
Once you’ve found the right workout for you, we have all the accessories you’ll need to help. Whether it be gym mats, resistance bands or weights, we have all the essentials you need to smash out an effective home workout!
Try a new class 💪
I don’t know about anyone else, but if I have agreed to go to a class, then I can’t bail. For me, one of the most effective ways to ensure I do some exercise is signing up to a class at the local leisure centre. I say I go to these classes for the exercise, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the real reason is for the social. There is something about a room full of people of varying abilities just getting stuck in and having fun that makes the prospect of exercising a lot more appealing.
However, make sure you don’t the same mistake I often do and make sure to bring a water bottle with you! Nothing worse than getting halfway through the class and having a mouth like the Sahara Desert. Especially in Covid times, as you can’t exactly go round sharing everyone’s bottles right!? So be prepared I beg of thee and bring your lifesaving (no exaggeration) water bottle.
Give meditation a go
Some of the biggest business guru’s in the world put their success and lack of stress down to regular meditation. If that’s not enough to give it a go, then I don’t know what is. Now when I talk about meditation, don’t fret. It doesn’t by ANY means have to be the spiritual ‘ohm’ kind. I have tried this, and personally I get distracted and just can’t seem to hold a focus.
If you’re the same as me, I recommend the following activities you can do, that really allow you to take a step back and just be present:
Or my personal favourite type of home meditation, just having a little dance. I don’t mean all-out Zumba (although this can be very fun). No, I mean just dancing whilst you clean, cook or are doing any other household activity. I’ll take on anyone that says they don’t feel refreshed after a solo boogie to your favourite songs.
Add some green!
Now, I can’t talk about health and wellness without mentioning diet! I am certainly not going to recommend any diet in particular, more so I’m going to suggest you add something to your current daily intake. GREEN'S! Yes, even if it's just a bit of cucumber or salad in your cheese sarnie, that extra bit of green will get you on your way to reaching your 5 a day!
Personally, I think the easiest and tastiest way to up your greens, is by adding them to a smoothie or juice. Honestly, try banana, blueberries, ice, and a handful of spinach... you won’t be able to taste the spinach I swear. You can whip one of these up in seconds with one of our many super speedy blenders we have! My personal favourite is the Nutri Bullet or Breville blenders we have in our kitchen section! Let me know how you get on.
And that sums it up! My 5 top tips for a healthier lifestyle! Let us know if you have any other tips for simple changes or things you can add to your daily routine to celebrate your health and fitness... YOU GOT THIS!
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