The health and safety of our employees is the central priority to our company, and with the recent COVID-19 pandemic threatening this, we have ensured that our warehouse is well equipped to provide a safe environment to put colleagues' minds at ease. The virus can affect anyone and therefore we must limit any potential exposure in our warehouse which will, in turn, work to protect our wider local society. To do so, we have put in place strategies that prepare and protects staff from potential infection. Ensuring there is a clear understanding in our warehouse of the importance of carrying out key principles such as good hygiene, social distancing and the early treatment of potential symptoms following on from the Keep Wales Safe at work guidance.
We employ strong lines of communication with employees to which allows us to exercise warehouse and office best practices that maintain a high level of hygiene measures. We have retained stringent regulations that are enforced throughout our warehouse and office spaces reiterating this to staff through the multiple posters littered around the building which promote good hygiene, encourage the 2-metre distancing and how to spot early symptoms of COVID-19 illness. Among these initiatives, we are implementing disinfectant spraying across our warehouse on a more frequent basis to enhance the cleaning measures already in place. Along with setting up additional hand washing and hand-sanitiser equipment stations, we require everyone to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds often, as advised by the UK government and the World Health Organisation.
Our workforce is made up of essential employees who must be on-site to assure can run smoothly and cohesively for our customers. Processing and packaging stations have been purposefully spaced out so that the 2-metre distancing can be assured for all of our staff. Fortunately, our warehouse boasts a huge open space that allows for workstations to be at a safe distance from one another while simultaneously enabling colleagues to communicate with each other when necessary. We encourage all staff to maintain optimal cleanliness of their workstations including wiping down desk areas and wiping high touch points which will help protect our staff force from potentially sharing infections from one another. Keeping a limited number of employees in areas of the site, such as the break rooms to a minimum ensures that social distancing is complied with and there is limited physical contact between employees. To aid the NHS test and trace service we are making sure to collect details and maintain our staff records which can then be used if need be to help contain any potential cluster or outbreak in our warehouse.
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